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Silvio Berlusconi

Viermal zwischen 1994 und 2011 war der Mailänder Unternehmer Ministerpräsident Italiens. Wegen diverser Skandale und juristischer Auseinandersetzungen war er einer der umstrittensten Politiker seiner Zeit in Europa.

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Silvio Berlusconi (Foto: dpa)
A parodic sculpture of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (C) taking a bath with three attractive women is one of the 'ninots' making up the falla 'The Kiss' from Nou Campanar suburb in Valencia, Spain, 16 March 2010. The Nou Campanar falla is the biggest and most expensive falla erected in 2010. It cost 600,000 euros and is 22 metres in height. The falla is an installation of parodic huge papier-mache, cardboard and wooden sculptures. The traditional Fallas feast is a mass festival held in Valencia region annually from 15 March until 19 March to mark Saint Joseph, the patron of carpenters. The fallas are burned in 19 March to end with the festival. EPA/MANUEL BRUQUE