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In this Oct. 16, 2011 photo, Chongqing city police chief Wang Lijun delivers a speech during the 2nd International Forensic Science Meeting in southwestern China's Chongqing city. Wang, the celebrity top cop relieved of his duties in a major Chinese city, held a meeting at a U.S. consulate amid unconfirmed reports of an asylum bid but then left the building and his whereabouts were unclear Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012. (AP Photo) CHINA OUT
图像来源: dapd


新华社6月30日援引十一届全国人大常委会第27次会议消息称,重庆市人大常委会6月26日接受了王立军辞去第十一届全国人大代表职务。依照代表法有关规定,王立军的代表资格终止。2月初进入美国领事馆的前重庆公安局长王立军是薄熙来事件的关键人物,也是引发整个事件发酵和曝光的导火索。 《南华早报》曾于5月底发表报道称,王立军最早将于近年6月因"叛国罪"在成都接受审判,甚至有可能面临死刑。