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Chinese Foxconn employees walk past the logo of Foxconn at the south entrance of the Shenzhen plant of Foxconn Technology Group in Shenzhen city, south Chinas Guangdong province, 8 May 2010. The string of suicides at Foxconn highlight the urgent need for China to adjust its mode of economic growth. On Thursday (27 May 2010) morning, a Foxconn employee tried to kill himself by slitting his wrist at the company dormitory. He survived after receiving medical treatment. His suicide attempt was the 13th by an employee of the Shenzhen-based Foxconn this year. Ten succeeded by jumping out of buildings. With 800,000 employees on the Chinese mainland, the Taiwan-owned companys exports totaled US$55.6 billion in 2008, accounting for 3.9 percent of the mainlands total exports. Foxconn makes computers, game consoles and mobile phones for companies including Apple, Nokia, Hewlett-Packard, and Sony.
图像来源: Picture alliance/dpa


美国著名电脑公司"苹果"委托独立组织检查它在中国工厂的劳动条件。苹果公司日前(2月13日)通报说,公平劳动协会(FLA)已开始对苹果在华配件供应商劳动条件的检查工作。所涉及的工厂主要是位于深圳的"富士康城"。检查结果将于下月初该机构的网站上公布,公司网站地址是"www.fairlabor.org"。富士康为苹果装配iPad 和iPhone,在"富士康城"工作和生活的雇员达数十万。2010年,富士康发生一系列雇员跳楼自杀事件,抗议劳动条件恶劣。作为母公司的苹果尤其因其在华企业劳动及环境条件糟糕劣而受到指责。上个月,苹果公司首次公布供应商完整名单,并宣布加入总部位于华盛顿的"公正劳动协会"。由企业和高等院校组成的该组织致力于改善劳动条件。