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epa03973716 Thai anti-government protesters commander a police truck and taunt police at Government House as street battles for control of the seat of government continue in Bangkok, Thailand, 02 December 2013. Thousands of protesters vowed to take control of government ministries and offices including the seat of Government House in an effort to oust the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and its defacto leader from afar her brother Thaksin Shinawatra. EPA/BARBARA WALTON
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


泰国国内局势持续动荡。继上周末发生导致数人丧生的骚乱后,成千上万反政府人士周一(12月2日)再度冲击总理府、警察总部及议会大楼。警察向示威人群发射催泪弹,政府所在地上空烟雾弥漫。出于安全原因,多所大学和30多所中小学校停课。尽管政府总理英拉表示愿意对话,和平解决冲突的前景依然渺茫。示威运动领导人坚持强硬立场。在军方领导人的斡旋下,反对派领导人、前政府副总理素贴·特素班(Suthep Thaugsuban)昨晚与英拉总理会晤时不仅要求现政府总辞,而且要求设置“人民委员会”,在新大选前制定新宪法。双方未能达成一致。