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In this photo taken Friday, Oct. 21, 2011, marble statues of ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, right, and Plato, left, are seen on plinths in front of the Athens Academy, as the Greek flag flies. More than 200 international philosophers braved strikes and protests to come to Greece this month to join a forum and debate matters of the mind. Greece's illustrious ancient thinkers built the foundations of Western scholarship, and their philosophy stands as an unquantifiable source of national wealth even during a financial crisis. (Foto:Petros Giannakouris/AP/dapd)
图像来源: dapd


继希腊总理萨马拉斯表示,希望欧盟给希腊更多时间以实现紧缩改革后,联合执政的泛希社运(PASOK)主席韦尼泽洛斯(Evangelos Venizelos)也再次呼吁,希望贷款方给希腊更多时间以落实紧缩。在与欧盟、国际货币基金组织以及欧洲央行组成的“三驾马车”代表会晤后,韦尼泽洛斯一位发言人表示,与会者的讨论涉及了放宽条款期限三年时间。
与此同时,德国自民党议会党团主席布吕德勒(Rainer Brüderle)表示,不排除希腊得到更多时间的可能。在接受德国杂志《星期天世界报》(Welt am Sonntag)采访时表示,放宽期限的底线涉及几个星期,而不是几年。