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epa03215891 Greek Socialist PASOK party leader Evangelos Venizelos (L) talks with Greek President Karolos Papoulias (R), at the Presidential Palace in Athens, Greece, 12 May 2012. Greece's attempts to form a governing coalition failed on 11 May, with PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos returning the mandate to the Greek President Karolos Papoulias. The president is to convene all the party leaders on 14 May, in a last-ditch attempt to create a coalition. EPA/ALKIS KONSTANTINIDIS +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


希腊三大议会政党:泛希社运、左翼激进联盟党、新民主党组阁相继失败,希腊正在做最后的努力争取组阁成功,避免重新举行议会选举。据希腊总统办公室消息,本周日,总统帕普利亚斯(Karolos Papoulias)首先与泛希社运(Pasok)、保守派新民主党(Nea Dimokratia)和左翼激进联盟党(Syriza)主席会面,之后他将与其他党派议会代表举行会谈。如果帕普利亚斯的调解失败,希腊必须重新举行议会选举。选举日期可能将会在6月中旬左右公布。