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Police cars block off the roads leading into Tiananmen Square as smoke rises into the air after a vehicle crashed in front of Tiananmen Gate in Beijing on October 28, 2013. Three people were killed when an SUV vehicle crashed into a crowd in Beijing's Tiananmen Square and burst into flames, state media said, as pictures showed a tower of smoke rising before the Forbidden City. TOPSHOTS CHINA OUT AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: STR/AFP/Getty Images


据德新社报道,中国当局定性为“恐怖袭击事件”的“10.28”天安门流血事件可能是一名穆斯林维族人的报复行为。总部位于美国的“自由亚洲电台”周四(11月7日)报道说,名为乌斯曼·艾山(Usmen Hasan)的这位维族人可能是为报复当局损毁他在新疆家乡的一座清真寺。当地一名前长老在自由亚洲电台上透露,33岁的艾山曾为建造该清真寺捐款,2012年10月,警方在一次行动中部分损毁了该寺。“10.28”天安门流血事件正好发生在一年后。这位长老称,他确信,艾山是要替本村的乡亲们复仇。“10.28”事件引起国际间广泛关注。