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Chinese protesters burn a Japanese flag near posters claiming Diaoyu islands, as known in China and Senkaku in Japan, belong to China and to fire upon Japan during a protest near the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, China, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012. The 81st anniversary of a Japanese invasion brought a fresh wave of anti-Japan demonstrations in China on Tuesday, with thousands of protesters venting anger over the colonial past and a current dispute involving contested islands in the East China Sea. (Foto:Ng Han Guan/AP/dapd)
图像来源: AP


据德新社报道,中国政府排除了日中目前举行首脑峰会的可能性。英文《中国日报》今天(7月30日)援引一名政府官员报道说,中国国家主席、党总书记习近平暂时不会同日本首相安倍晋三会晤。这名官员称,日本一名政府顾问的不同说法“与事实不符,是错误的”。中国外交部一名发言人也对该报表示,日方应停止使用关于所谓对话的空洞言辞,掩盖两国之间的分歧。上周六,安倍首相在马尼拉的一次记者会上表示,他希望能与中国领导人举行峰会。安倍的政治事务顾问饭岛勋(Isao Lijima)表示相信,日中峰会能在近期举行。作为安倍的特使,日本外务事务次官斋木昭隆(Akitaka Saiki)昨天起对中国进行为期两天访问。东京政府称,此次访问是安倍晋三首相计划同北京进行高层次会谈的最新举措。日中两国关系因领土主权纠纷多月来出现紧张。