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Thousands of angry passengers struggle with airline staff after heavy fog delayed flights at the Changshui International Airport in Kunming, south Chinas Yunnan province, January 4, 2013. Thousands of angry passengers were stranded after heavy fog delayed flights at a Chinese airport Friday, January 4, 2013, as the country was shivering through its coldest weather in almost three decades. Ten thousand passengers were stuck in Changshui International Airport in the southern Chinese city of Kunming after thick fog grounded more than 280 flights. Angry passengers stranded at the airport for more than a day struggled with airline staff, damaging computer equipment belonging to an airline, while police broke up scuffles, according to a photographer present at the scene late on Friday.
China Flughafen Gestrandet图像来源: picture alliance / dpa



Blank passport page © ibphoto #42473751
签证难,难于上青天图像来源: ibphoto - Fotolia.com






***NUTZUNG NUR FÜR DIE CHINA-REDAKTION UND AB DEM 25.5.2011 4 JAHRE***** Titel: Press conference Beschreibung: There were debates on whether to stay in the Square. The Capital Joint Liaison Group a group consisting of workers, students, and intellectuals states that the students should stay on the square until May 30. A few student representatives refuse to agree to retreat. Feng Congde had scheduled a press conference. Almost all important student leaders were present. At the base of the Monument, Wuer Kaixi, Wang Dan, and Chai Ling were standing in the middle and gave speeches. A ten-point statement was announced. The press conference ended in a confused state. Der Autor des Buchs ist Feng Congde, ein Anführer der Studentenproteste während des Massakers auf dem Tiananmen 1989. Alle Bilder dürfen nur mit Zusammenhang über die Berichterstattung des Buches "Die Republik auf dem Platz des Volkes – Tagebuch Mai/Juni 1989" und nur für 4 Jahre genutzt werden.
89年天安门广场上的吾尔开希图像来源: 64memo


另一方面,身在中国国内的异议人士也常常拿不到自己的护照,或者被当局禁止出国。今年2月,原本计划到美国一所大学担任一年访问学者的维吾尔族学者伊力哈木·土赫提(Ilham Tohti),在北京国际机场遭到警方扣押,不得前往美国。此外,知名艺术家艾未未、藏人女作家唯色(Woeser)等诸多对政府持批评态度的人士也都被当局禁止出境。

