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Bolivian presidential plane taxis to the runway before leaving the Vienna International Airport in Schwechat July 3, 2013. Bolivian President Evo Morales said on Wednesday he was awaiting Spanish permission to fly home through its airspace after he refused Madrid's request to inspect his plane following its diversion to Vienna. France and Portugal abruptly cancelled air permits for Morales' plane en route from Moscow on Tuesday, apparently due to fears fugitive ex-U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden could be on board. Bolivian and Austrian officials denied this. REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader (AUSTRIA - Tags: POLITICS)
圖片來源: Reuters

玻利維亞政府決定向聯合國上訴,譴責因歐洲多國拒絕其總統莫拉萊斯的專機飛越其領空。玻利維亞駐聯合國大使羅冷提(Llorenti )在日內瓦表示,莫拉萊斯總統的豁免權受到破壞,這是侵犯行為。據玻利維亞稱,因懷疑美國通緝的前情報機構雇員斯諾登在總統的專機上,西班牙,法國,葡萄牙和義大利等國家拒絕玻利維亞總統的專機飛越其領空。但是法國和西班牙發表聲明說,他們沒有關閉其領空。被迫降維也納機場的莫拉萊斯總統的專機現已重新起飛離開維也納。據稱斯諾登不在飛機上。