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--FILE--Chinese inspectors check arrays of solar panels at a photovoltaic power plant in Xiji town, Zaozhuang city, east Chinas Shandong province, 26 December 2012. Clean energy took up more than a fifth of Chinas power consumption as the country boosted the use of hydro and wind power, according to official data. China consumed 1.07 trillion kilowatt-hours of power generated from clean sources such as hydro, nuclear, wind and solar last year, up 28.5 percent from 2011, the State Electricity Regulatory Commission said. The clean sources accounted for 21.4 percent of the nations total power use last year, up from 17.5 percent in 2011, the SERC said. Hydro power remained the biggest clean source of energy, rising 29.3 percent to 864.1 billion kWh. As of the end of 2012, China had installed hydropower capacity totaled 249 million kilowatts, a rise of 6.8 percent from a year earlier. Meanwhile, solar power soared 414.4 percent to 3.5 billion kWh to be the fastest growing sector. Wind power capacity rose 31.6 percent to 60.83 million KW, while solar capacity surged 47.8 percent to 3.28 million KW as the government boosted subsidies to the solar sector.
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


德國社民黨對歐盟委員會日前(6月4日)做出對中國光伏產品暫時徵收懲罰性關稅決定表示歡迎。社民黨聯邦議會黨團副主席克爾貝爾(Ulrich Kelber)在《商報線上》門戶上強調指出,尤其是中國政府和德國政府曾有兩年時間通過對話解決問題,但雙方均無所作為,聯邦政府對維護德國就業和技術漠不關心。他稱,既然歐委會確認,中國以傾銷手段讓本國企業獲得競爭優勢,那就必須採取行動,不能因害怕同中國發生衝突就犧牲掉光伏產業,否則,其它產業也將遭遇「不公平」競爭手段。克爾貝爾同時表示希望,歐中雙方能盡快找到解決辦法,前提是,「中國政府重返市場經濟的基本原則,從而使懲罰性關稅成為多餘」。