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Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks next to a map showing participating countries in rule-making negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) during a news conference at his official residence in Tokyo March 15, 2013. Abe announced on Friday that Tokyo will seek to join talks on a U.S.-led Pacific free trade pact which proponents say will tap vibrant regional growth, open Japan to tough competition and boost momentum for reforms needed to revive the long-stagnant economy. REUTERS/Toru Hanai (JAPAN - Tags: BUSINESS POLITICS)
圖片來源: Reuters

日本首相安倍晉三提醒日本軍隊要為可能來自外國的「挑釁」做好準備。安倍周日出席了日本防衛大學的畢業典禮併發表講話,指出自本屆畢業生入學以來,日本面臨的安全形勢發生了變化。「與4年前相比,我們現在不斷面對針對日本領土的挑釁。」 安倍表示要進一步加強防衛力量,並強調日本自11年來首次提高了國防預算。他表示將進一步提高自衛隊在「西南地區」等地的應對能力。日中之間存在主權爭議的尖閣列島(中國稱釣魚島),按照日本行政區劃就隸屬位於西南部的沖繩群島。自去年9月以來,日中間就爭議島嶼的歸屬一再發生外交糾紛。