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epa02478145 Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General James Cartwright, US Marine Corps, stands before testifying at the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing examining a Defense Department report on the repeal of the 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' policy, on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, USA, 03 December 2010. The Pentagon report found that 70 per cent of service members thought there would be little impact on military readiness if the policy was repealed, allowing gays to openly serve. However, in a survey of combat marines a majority opposed repealing the law. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS pixel
USA General James Cartwright Archiv 2010圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

(德國之聲中文網)美國全國廣播公司(NBC)周四(6月27日)報導,司法部已對退休將軍卡特萊特(James Cartwright)啟動調查。卡特萊特2007年至2011年曾任美國參謀長聯席會議副主席,他被指控將美國2010年對伊朗核設施實施的"震網"(Stuxnet)電腦病毒入侵行動的有關訊息洩露給了《紐約時報》。




An undated handout image by the National Security Agency (NSA) shows the NSA logo in front of the National Security Agency's headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, USA. According to media reports, a secret intelligence program called 'Prism' run by the US Government's National Security Agency has been collecting data from millions of communication service subscribers through access to many of the top US Internet companies, including Google, Facebook, Apple and Verizon. Reports in the Washington Post and The Guardian state US intelligence services tapped directly in to the servers of these companies and five others to extract emails, voice calls, videos, photos and other information from their customers without the need for a warrant. (Foto: picture alliance/dpa) / Eingestellt von wa
美國國家安全局NSA圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


《紐約時報》去年曾報導,在前總統小布希任下,卡特萊特曾建議並負責落實一個代號為"奧運會"(Olympic Games)的網路行動。而歐巴馬則下令加緊這一計劃的實施。2010年,名為"震網"的病毒一度使伊朗納坦(Natan)核設施中進行鈾濃縮的上千台離心機陷入癱瘓。《紐約時報》的報導援引"美國、歐洲和以色列參與這一項目的現任和前任官員"稱,有關方面曾在白宮舉行秘密會談。而"震網"病毒是美國國家安全局(NSA)和以色列情報部門共同開發的。



A television screen shows former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden during a news bulletin at a cafe at the Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport June 26, 2013. Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed on Tuesday a former U.S. spy agency contractor sought by the United States was in the transit area of a Moscow airport but ruled out handing him to Washington, dismissing U.S. criticisms as "ravings and rubbish". REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin (RUSSIA - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY TRANSPORT)
莫斯科機場的中轉區圖片來源: Reuters

華盛頓繼續敦促俄羅斯方面引渡斯諾登。美國國家安全顧問助理羅德斯(Ben Rhodes)周四表示,華盛頓與莫斯科仍在就此事進行交涉,但沒有透露進一步細節。俄羅斯國際文傳電訊社則援引不願透露身份的消息來源稱,美國方面並沒有向俄羅斯提出正式的引渡申請。迄今為止雙方的交涉僅限於外交層面,美國僅僅以非正式的形式,請求俄羅斯交出斯諾登。這位消息人士表示,"鑑於俄美雙邊關係的現狀,這並不足以讓俄羅斯採取嚴肅的步驟。"

美國希望將斯諾登送上法庭。為了逃脫司法追究,斯諾登已向厄瓜多爾提出了避難申請。在厄瓜多爾駐倫敦的大使館,維基解密的創始人阿桑奇(Julian Assange)已經"幽閉"了一年多時間。由於公佈政府秘密外交文件,阿桑奇在美國也面臨司法訴訟。涉嫌向維基解密提供資料的美軍士兵曼寧(Bradley Manning),目前在美國馬裡蘭州的一個軍事法庭受審。

