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A boat, center, is surrounded by Japan Cost Guard's patrol boats after some activists descended from the boat on Uotsuri Island, one of the islands of Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, in East China Sea Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012. Regional tensions flared on the emotional anniversary of Japan?s World War II surrender as activists from China and South Korea used Wednesday?s occasion to press rival territorial claims, prompting 14 arrests by Japanese authorities. The 14 people had traveled by boat from Hong Kong to the disputed islands controlled by Japan but also claimed by China and Taiwan. (Foto:Yomiuri Shimbun, Masataka Morita/AP/dapd) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT
圖片來源: dapd


圍繞島嶼主權爭議,日本呼籲中國進行對話。日本首相安倍晉三周四(2月7日)在國會表示,新近發生的中方艦艇火控雷達瞄準日本海上自衛隊艦只事件令人遺憾。他強調,對日本而言,重要的是不關閉對話窗口。在島嶼主權爭議背景下,數星期以來,中國一再向東中國海派出艦只游弋,顯示強硬立場。有爭議島嶼距台灣約200公里,距日本沖繩島約400公里,周圍海域漁業資源豐富,並被認為還擁有大量油、氣資源。日本防衛省本周通報說,上月31日,中方軍艦在有爭議島嶼(日方稱「尖閣諸島」,中方稱「釣魚島」)附近海域用火控雷達瞄準日方船隻,此前,日方一架直升機也受到火控雷達照射。日本防衛大臣小野寺五典(Itsunori Onodera)警告說,根據聯合國憲章,中方的行為可被視為一種「武力威脅」,極易導致雙方都不願意發生的軍事衝突,為此,日中間應建立一種海上安全機制。