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The New Nissan Micra is shown during the press day at the 80th Geneva International Motor Show, 03 March 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland. The Motor Show will open its gates to public from 4 to 14 March, presenting over 1000 brands with more than 100 world and european firsts in the sector saloon alone. EPA/MARTIAL TREZZINI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Nissan Micra Motorshow in Genf圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

與中國之間的島嶼主權爭議嚴重影響了日本第二大汽車集團尼桑的業績。據德新社東京報導,儘管日元匯率持續走低,美國和新興國家市場銷售走強,但該公司在剛剛過去的財會年度中,淨利潤僅僅比上一年度提高了0.3%,達到折合26億歐元。尼桑公司屬於在中國業務最為活躍的日本企業,其總裁戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)指出,該公司是受到島嶼主權爭議打擊格外嚴重。從全球來看,尼桑汽車產量達到490萬輛,比去年增長了1.4%。