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Bildnummer: 53769104 Datum: 31.08.2009 Copyright: imago/ITAR-TASS MOSCOW, RUSSIA. AUGUST 31, 2009. Head of the Russian NGO For Human Rights, Lev Ponomarev (2nd L), being detained by OMON officers at an opposition protest organized by those who disagree in Moscow s Triumfalnaya Square. PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxONLY OMON Polizei RUS Spezialeinheit Sondereinsatzkommando Sonderkommando Einsatzkommando Polizist Einsatz kbdig xng 2009 quadrat o0 Verhaftung Medieninteresse Bildnummer 53769104 Date 31 08 2009 Copyright Imago ITAR TASS Moscow Russia August 31 2009 Head of The Russian NGO for Human Rights Lev 2nd l Being detained by Omon Officers AT to Opposition Protest Organized by Those Who disagree in Moscow S Triumfalnaya Square PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxONLY Omon Police RUS Special unit Special use command Special command Einsatzkommando Policeman Use Kbdig xng 2009 Square o0 Arrest Media interest
圖片來源: imago/ITAR-TASS

據莫斯科回聲電台周六報導,俄羅斯特種部隊周五夜間突然闖入著名人權活動家波諾馬廖夫(Lew Ponomarjow)在莫斯科的辦公室,多名人權人士被打傷,其中包括反對黨亞博盧(Yabloko)領導人米特羅欣(Sergei Mitrokhin)。莫斯科當局稱特種部隊採取行動是因為「為了人權」組織的租房合同到期,但是波諾馬廖夫駁斥了這一說法。俄羅斯人權活動家抱怨,最近幾個月當局加強了對人權組織的打擊力度。 前不久幾家德國基金會駐莫斯科辦事處也受到搜查。