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Prince Ali to run for FIFA president

September 9, 2015

After resigning his bid to become president in the last election, Prince Ali of Jordan has announced he will again run for FIFA presidency. He is the third person to have declared their decision to stand for election.

FIFA Präsidentschaft Kandidat Ali Bin al Hussein
Image: Getty Images

Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan has once again entered the race to be elected FIFA president having declared his candidacy on Wednesday, four months after losing May's vote to Sepp Blatter.

Prince Ali, 39, announced in a speech in the Jordanian capital of Amman that he would run again for the top job at world football's governing body.

"I stand here in this ancient place in the timeless heart of Amman to once again launch my candidacy for the presidency of FIFA," he told a gathering of supporters within the ruins of the Jordanian capital's Roman amphitheatre.

"Ten months ago, I was the only person who dared to challenge Mr Blatter for the presidency of FIFA," Ali continued. "I ran because I believed that FIFA needs change. And I had courage to fight for change when others were afraid."

The Jordanian prince ran in the previous election in May, denying Sepp Blatter a majority in the first round of voting. He stepped aside before the second round, with defeat impending. Four days later, the current FIFA president announced his plans to quit as separate U.S. and Swiss criminal investigations into football corruption escalated.

Ali says he wants to finish what he started with his initial candidacy but knows that turning FIFA around will be a difficult task. The prince has criticized UEFA President Michel Platini, the favorite for the job, saying he was a Blatter protege and that footballs is in need of a new beginning.

Prince Ali is the third heavyweight to declare following Michel Platini of France, and former Asia vice-president Chung Mong-joon of South Korea. The election to decide the new FIFA presidant begins in February 2016.

apc/ (AFP, Reuters)