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PoliticsIvory Coast

Ivorians prepare to welcome Laurent Gbagbo

Julien Adaye
June 17, 2021

Laurent Gbagbo's return to Ivory Coast on June 17, 2021 has been confirmed by members of his party. After being acquitted by the International Criminal Court and following a 10-year absence, Gbagbo's relatives are preparing to welcome him back to his village of Mama, in west-central Ivory Coast.


Laurent Gbagbo was born in Mama, 360 km from Abidjan. Residents prepare to welcome Gbagbo. A residence inside this property has been rehabilitated for the reception. The village chief called other traditional leader. From Mama to Gnoa via Ouragahio, the western region of the country awaits Gbagbo. Women are mobilized for the reception. They sell T-shirts and clean the streets. After 10 years in exile, the former head of state returns home. His supporters consider the episode historic and grandiose. But many will not believe in Gbagbo's return until they see him on Ivorian soil.